Thank you.
What next?
We’ll check over your advert booking. If we can’t run it, or can’t run it on your specified date, we’ll get in touch. Although we reserve the right to refuse an advert for any reason, if we are unable to accept your advert, a full refund will be given.
Please check your advert booking acknowledgement email that we have just sent to you. It contains everything that you have sent to us. Let us know STRAIGHT AWAY if there is an error.
If you have booked an Event Promo for £18, we are unable to make changes if you leave something out and want to put it in later. You’ll have to book another advert.
If you have booked a My Advert for £59, we’ll send you a proof before we post the advert so you can make any changes.
If you have booked a Full Service Advert for £129, we’ll call you up and help write your advert with you. We’ll also send you a proof before we post the advert so you can make any changes. Once we have sent the proof though, there are no refunds.
You can always get in touch with us at