Welcome to the Let’s Go Quackers on line auction
Ever wanted to own one of those huge ducks that appeared in Ironbridge and Southwater in Telford this summer? Well here’s your chance…
HOW TO BID: Place your bids on Twitter @evmoregirl by tweet or DM, alternatively, via the Facebook Page
LAST UPDATED 31/8/18 7.00am. Bidding on Social Media closes 3pm on 2nd Sept.
The highest bid on social media will be the opening bid at the auction held at Charlton School 7:30pm on 3rd Sept 2018. If yours is the highest bid, you will be contacted prior to the event.

Any questions, please call Julie on 07966 520 537

The following lots are 32cm handpainted mini replica ducks kindly brought to life & donated by the artists.