Telford News

Telford Man arrested for child neglect.

Telford Man arrested for child neglect.

Telford Cops reporting on Twitter that they arrested a man early this morning for leaving his children, aged two and five years home alone.

Here’s the plot twist. He was then also arrested on suspicion of burglary- the reason he went out and left them.

19 thoughts on “Telford Man arrested for child neglect.

  • Or maybe he was a single dad who had few other options. It’s not right but behind every situation there is a reason. Poor chap, I hope his kids are OK and I pray the system recognises whatever context this sorry mess is set within.

  • If only he had gone to a tapas bar in Portugal, he’d be a millionaire now.
    ( not condoning neglect btw)

  • Should have changed his surname to McCann, he’d have a book deal and met the Pope by now.

  • It’s the sorry state of our community. It’s the kids that are being dragged up or trying to bring themselves up that need the help . The parents need the help to get educated to help raise their children. We are all reasonable for our community and if everyone was a bit kinder the world and the kids would be better off for it . Family’s struggle in all classes not just the poorer .
    When your kids are born they belong to the government, I found this out when I had a baby that was born poorly, I had all decisions taken of me and she died at 8 days old . So why aren’t the government stepping in when all these children are being born into poverty , that shouldn’t exist in our country , but it does .
    So instead of being judgemental just be a bit kinder to each other , it should be the first thing we teach our kids , if you cant be anything be kind .


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