Have you seen this car?
Have you seen this car?
Stolen from Wellington on 27th October by breaking a rear window.
The powerful Ford Fiesta ST car is believed to be hidden on Woodside and driven around at night, sometimes by a blonde woman. It has been driven very erratically all over Telford.
It was involved in a minor accident at Ketley on 27th so many have some damage.
The distinctive plates are still on the car.
Please call 101 if you spot this car. It could be yours next, or you they hit.
Kizza Chamberlain keep an eye out
Would t surprise me If this happens more s car is stolen same plates kept on and driven around loads yet the police still haven’t got it
I’m just here for the comments around “How the police don’t do anything” and “what do we pay taxes for?”
If its driven at night why carnt the police out then
It’s a Ford, it’ll break down at some point.
Ryan Grant
Numberplate is illegal to boot.
Everyone you can fuck yourself!!! Nothing wrong with that number plate of you got a problem message Katie Lily Howells
I’m sure this is the car that was driving dangerously on trench lock island and onto the ep
Ben Gregory is this the car I saw u posted about?
Is this car not trackered??
Why are people saying the plate wont trigger an anpr camera? Personalised plates arent spaced the same as a standard number plate, they still get recognized by the camera tho.
Diana Schmidt