Telford News

'Near misses and road rage' as hospital visitors clog estate.

'Near misses and road rage' as hospital visitors clog estate.

Residents near the Princess Royal Hospital warn that 'deaths will need to happen before anyone takes any notice'.

Hospital visitors who can't find a space or refuse to pay the parking charges are leaving their cars on Kingfisher Way, nearby. The cars are often parked on paths, and sometimes block the driveways of residents.

"We have spoken to the hospital and to Councillors but no one is interested" a frustrated home owner told Telford Live!. "One guy has threatened to take matters into his own hands, he is so upset."

The new parking enforcement regime which starts at the weekend is not likely to make a difference. "Some time ago, double yellow lines were put at the bottom of the road, but that just moved the problem up the road a few metres" the resident said.

Do you live near the hospital? Do you park on the estate to avoid charges? Tell us what you think.

4 thoughts on “'Near misses and road rage' as hospital visitors clog estate.

  • I do pay to park at the hospital when I go there. I get there about an hour early as previous experience shows you need to drive around and around and around before you get a space – even the grassed areas have cars on them. The car park is not sufficient for a hospital that size. Residents should not have to put up with this the onus on on the owners of the car park to provide adequate parking – God knows they charge enough. Staff at hospital are not allowed to put notices on the pay machines when they are out of order – last week I wasted 2 minutes on a machine that was out of order and by the time I got to go on the neighbouring machine I had gone into the £3 category. I complained to staff who said they are not allowed to inform us they are not working. The machines do not give change either. The public is ripped off at hospital car parks – disgraceful way to treat the sick.

  • Difficult to post on this site as it keeps saying – looks like you have already said that yet this is the first time I have been on the site… I do pay to park at the hospital when I go there. I get there about an hour early as previous experience shows you need to drive around and around and around before you get a space – even the grassed areas have cars on them. The car park is not sufficient for a hospital that size. Residents should not have to put up with this the onus on on the owners of the car park to provide adequate parking – God knows they charge enough. Staff at hospital are not allowed to put notices on the pay machines when they are out of order – last week I wasted 2 minutes on a machine that was out of order and by the time I got to go on the neighbouring machine I had gone into the £3 category. I complained to staff who said they are not allowed to inform us they are not working. The machines do not give change either. The public is ripped off at hospital car parks – disgraceful way to treat the sick.

  • Why not have off site parking with a shuttle bus operating between car park and hospital. Both staff and visitors would benefit.

  • I visit prh and rsh frequently as a patient and it is just farcical why do they not build a multi storey car park ,afterall they wasted £40 million couple of years ago only to propose shutting it and moving to rsh


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