Telford News

Telford Teachers video success

Telford Teachers video success

Ben Trehern, the nursery teacher at HLC Primary this year, has been teaching Early Years for six years. The children call him Mr T "because it's a lot easier to pronounce than Mr Trehern".

During the lockdown, he has been making videos and uploading them to YouTube.

Mr T told Telford Live "I started the videos when the schools closed so that the nursery children could watch me read a story. Not all kids have lots of books at home so I do a different one each day.

"I try and do something funny to break it up a bit each week so have dressed up, danced, sang, read giant books and magically appeared in different places to try and bring a smile to their faces.

"Parents have been really thankful saying it gives them a break from reading stories, it allows them to see me and makes them laugh.

"Kids have been messaging warning me about the wolf who appears behind me in little Red Riding Hood and I bumped into a kid on Thursday who told me I have to be careful so he doesn't eat me.

"Kids have sent me videos of them watching the stories and making their own. I just want to give them something to smile about in these mad times."

You don't have to be a student at HLC to see and enjoy the videos or admire the commitment of Mr T to his craft.

Here's the links:
Twitter: @MrTrehern

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