TelfoodTelford News

Missing your favourite sausage roll?

Missing your favourite sausage roll?

Four Greggs open up in Telford today, so if you are missing your steak bake or sausage roll, relax, they got you.

Stafford Park, Leegomery, Madeley and Telford Shopping Centre Greggs will be open for business as four of the 800 stores that Britain's biggest bakery chain are bringing back online.

Chicken Slice fans in Wellington will be disappointed as the store in Market Square will remain closed for the time being.

There will be no seating in the stores that are opening, just takeaway. At least the pigeons will be happy as you drop your crumbs on the car park.

Pic: This is an old photo. You do NOT have to climb into the bins for social distancing purposes. Honestly, the state of the comments lately, I wouldn't put it past you.

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