Telford News

Do you know this man?

Do you know this man?

Police would like to speak to this man following reports that a women in her 40s was raped in Wellington.

The incident happened in an alleyway on New Street at about 1.30am on Saturday 20 November, 2021. Investigating officers are keen to speak to the man in the image as he may hold vital information about the incident that can help with ongoing enquiries.

Detective Constable Chris Smith of West Mercia Police said: “A full investigation was launched after we received this report in November. As part of the investigation we are now turning to the public for your help in identifying this man, who was captured on CCTV in the area, and may be able to help us.

“We understand that this incident could be very worrying to the local community; I want to reassure you that we have been, and continue to, take it very seriously. We are updating the victim on the progress of our investigation regularly and she is being supported by specially trained officers.”

Anyone with any information that could help identify this man is asked to call 101 or visit quoting reference 86i of 20 November, 2021.

Alternatively, if you have information but don’t feel comfortable speaking to police, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers. It is 100% anonymous, they never ask your name and they cannot trace your call or I.P address. You can contact them online or by calling 0800 555 111.

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