Telford News

Have you found a phone in a GoCarz car?

Have you found a phone in a GoCarz car?

A passenger has lost their phone in a GoCarz Toyota Prius car and it’s been tracked to an address in Burford.

If you travelled in a GoCarz Toyota Prius and picked up the phone, or are the driver of this cab, please check your conscience and the back seats once again. The pin in the ‘find my phone’ map shows to within a couple of doors where the phone was at 8:20pm last night.

Drop it off at the Police Station or message me, and we’ll get it back to it’s rightful owner today.

The GoCarz office was called and the passenger was told that driver did not have the phone.


24 thoughts on “Have you found a phone in a GoCarz car?

  • I had this happen to me however the driver told the office he didn’t have my phone but find my iPhone was showing my phone was in West Brom (I live in Telford) so I got my sister in law to take me there where even then the driver tried telling me he didn’t have the phone. I threatened with the police and then he magically remembered he had my phone. Hope the phone owner receives their phone back soon x

  • This happened to my daughter driver said didn’t have phone we tracked the car down with find my phone and waited for the driver to come out of church and wouldn’t leave till we got phone and it was in his glove box thieving b@@@@@@s

  • I’ve done it in the past. Left my phone in the car, called as soon as I’ve realised and miraculously the phone has disappeared ….. also, there’s a shock, staff in the Go Carz office being unhelpful! Never had such appalling customer service from anywhere before.

    It’s a shame for all the good, honest drivers.

  • I left my brand new phone In the back of one of their taxis before too, called within minutes of the driver leaving. Needless to say I never got it back either.
    I agree it’s a shame for the honest drivers &
    I hope this phone finds its way back to the owner.

  • Don’t give it in to go cars as they charge u to get it back they did it to me when my sons cup holder fell off the pram as folt of the driver

  • Reading all these stories I’m glad I didnt hand the phone I found in to the driver i kept hold of it and put a post up on facebook.

    I hope you get your phone back

  • Love the way people say it’s a shame for honest drivers ,honest drivers don’t work for go carz

  • I did this back on Christmas eve, found a wallet with £400 in and decided to find the owner myself rather than giving to driver. Was rewarded £50, people might say you could have had £400 but at the end of the day, it’d be different if the roles were reversed.

  • It amazes me how many people leave there phones in a taxi. Its normally glued to your hands

  • Most taxi drivers with any sense, put the phone into the nearest bin. It saves all this kind of hassle.

  • I lost my phone in a taxi used my neighbours phone to call them I did get it back only I got charged to bring it back needless to say I am more careful with it now

  • Well folks after reading all these stories about go cars I’m pleased I have a car to get to work

  • When I got in a taxi awhile back my son noticed a phone on the seat, I told the driver who phoned through about it, I said to him lucky it wasn’t anyone else and he said yes us drivers get the blame x

  • I found this couples phone on bus on way to meet friends for new years eve meal the guy rang it answered it picked it up from Cantonese in Wellington . Couldn’t thank me enough x

  • You’ve got more chance of shiting a gold nugget than getting your phone back after leaving it in one of there cars.


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