Yet another car fire in Telford
Yet another car fire in Telford
A white hatchback in Roseway went up in flames last night, adding to the tally of car fires in the Town over the last few weeks.
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service attended around 11:30pm and completed their work before midnight.
Check your CCTV, Ring door cameras and if you have any information, please call 101. It could be you next.
Lindy Lou George
Gareth Doody Sarah Louise Doody
Yet police have done nothing all linked to the Tommy Robinson documentary. All Telford police are interested in is arresting Kids with weed there to scared to arrest some proper criminals. You think they would be embarrassed having Telford named as one of the worst towns for grooming yet still they do nothing
This near you Bryan Heslop
Chris Chambers
Ruth Gregory
I had my car set on fire last year, we had cctv of the individual doing it . Nothing got done .
Cars are replaceable a child’s innocence isn’t!
Dawn Broadfield
So what if theirs a fucking car fire your kids could be getting forced into things they don’t want to do! And all most of you on this thread are arsed about is a car fire and Tommy bloody Robinson.
We need to stand up to these people, enough is enough!
So much hate in Telford
Really is a scary time atm
Tia Embrey another one
It one car that caught fire that might have had a fault
If anyone has any CCTV please message me as this is my sisters car.
Hi guys this is not related to grooming, i am not linked to the grooming or have any involvement with whoever is involved, this is a personal attack on myself I need cctv as we have names on who we think it is but need to prove it as police won’t do anything.
How does a car being set on fire turn too an opportunity for ‘hidden’ racist comments? Fucking hell
Sorry to whoever’s car this is, must be awful for you, I hope you find out what happened xx
Insurance jobs.
Seriously nothing nice to say then just keep scrolling. The persons who car it is has clearly stated it has NOTHING to do with grooming. It was a personal attack. Imagine something you worked bloody hard for to go up in flames. Be more respectful
Piddy 😮 roseway
All these comments about grooming is there a specific reason for this or are people just being morons again I just thought they’d tried to use the indicator lol
Lee Dent
Jo Perrett
Gareth Obrien
episode 2 of ‘the rape of britain’ is due to be shown soon in Telford. episode 1 already on GETTR
Beryl Parker hope you and Dave were safe xx
Harry Walker
Those mother F are running scared!
Ian Brain isn’t this the one we saw earlier
Must have tried to use the indicators
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A women had her car set on fire why is this suddenly a race war and kids being groomed being mentioned?! You guys just love to blame anyone and everyone.
Don’t take a genius to work them out does it !!!!
Telfords a shit hole. Mind you, Telford police are absolutely useless so no wonder crimes through the roof.
Laurie Walker