Telford News

Thinking of parking in a disabled space in Oakengates?

Just a quick warning to anyone thinking of parking in a disabled space in Oakengates this morning. The Enforcement Team are present in the area.

32 thoughts on “Thinking of parking in a disabled space in Oakengates?

  • If somebody has parked in a disabled parking space and they are not disabled they deserve to be fined. It’s not like any space there is far from the shops.

  • I think the confusion stems from the fact that even though that particular space isn’t painted, the sign that you can see by the bumper states that those spaces are disabled parking only. So you have 1 sign saying 1 thing whilst the floor says or implies something else.

  • This reminds of when they were up the captain webb last year booking parents for illegal parking which is fine as some do think they can park where they like! Anyway the people enforcing the rules parked their van opposite a junction setting a brilliant example!

  • People should just use their common sense and have a bit of compassion. It’s all getting a bit to me myself and I.

  • Thing with theses bays not wide enough to get any one out if your parked side by side xx

  • Why just today? You should only be parking in a disabled bay with a valid blue badge on any day

  • To anyone not disabled parking in a space reserved for the disabled go get a life you idiots

  • How about targeting the illegally parked cars on pavements all over town? I doubt if someone oarked in a disabled space for a few minutes is the crime of the century bearing in mind that most disabled spaces are always empty.

  • Were there, by any chance, no vehicles in the disable bays, allowing enforcement lots of time to take photos of the van?

  • This space isn’t disabled parking the enforcement officer is parked in, the space aside him is

  • Cars also park on the bumpy tiled ramps specifically designed for wheelchairs to access pavements.

  • I have blue badge was dropping my wife off at doctors put blue badge in window went round got wifes wheel chair out the boot engine still running got my wife in her chair waited to see her push herself in to doctors watched her as my window was open from no where one them gave me a ticket. Never even spoke to me. Ask me to move or even check if i had a valid blue bage….


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