McDonald’s customer threatens to rip woman’s heart out in row over cold chips
Cold fries at McDonalds – yes it’s Telford
Telford makes the national news once more. This time, it’s a grown man kicking off over something.
If he was kicking off about the lack of milkshakes or the speedbumps, I’d have more sympathy.
McDonald’s customer threatens to rip woman’s heart out in row over cold chips
He’s probably under a lot of stress living in Telford at the moment…
Aran Pearson imagine him trying this if i was working, be straight up getting them fries along with the basket thrown at his head
Mitch Williams
Natalie Coulborn wasn’t these the ones who kicked off at you
What a nasty human, shame on him
Abi Boyle bloody hell
Wellington, say no more
They look the usual tolerant type that we should bend over backwards to help. Fookin freaks.
Why do people even care, I pay £30 to have it delivered stone cold. Either way hot or cold it’s still gonna kill me.
Richard Davies
Wow what a joke