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Council propose no Council Tax rise for residents.

Council propose no Council Tax rise for residents.

Telford & Wrekin Council are proposing to freeze general council tax for a second year running in recognition of the cost of living squeeze on household budgets. It means that the council is expected to have the lowest council tax in the Midlands and one of the lowest in the country for a council delivering similar services.

Like councils across the country, Telford & Wrekin Council faces a significant challenge in balancing the budget in the coming years, but a strong track record of financial management means the council can continue to invest in the borough whilst keeping general council tax low.

Councillor Shaun Davies, Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council (Labour) said: “The government have assumed that every council will increase local council tax bills by 5% next year – a 3% general council tax rise and 2% rise towards the costs of adult social care.

“During a cost of living crisis, we’re not willing to do this. We’re firmly on the side of our residents and want to keep people’s bills as low as we can. This is why we’re looking to freeze general council tax for a second year.

“People in the borough living in a band D property already pay around £228 a year less than the average for the Midlands. We expect this saving to be even greater next year for our award winning services.

“We can only do this because of many years of strong financial management.”

The council’s budget plans set out the impact of the national cost of living crisis, with high rates of inflation costing the council more money to do the same things, at a time when more and more people need the council’s help.

Councillor Rae Evans, Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Customer Services (Labour) said:

“Over the current and next financial year, we’re investing £12 million to help people through the cost of living crisis – extra money for our Crisis Assistance Fund, support for local foodbanks and supermarket food vouchers, warm spaces and home energy efficiency are just some of the things we’ll fund – but one of our biggest challenges remains the cost of care.

“We’re expecting care for our most vulnerable children and adults to take almost 70p of every £1 we spend on the day to day running of the council next year. In total we need to put over £9.75m more into services to protect and support the most vulnerable members of our community.

“The government’s 2% Adult Social Care precept will raise £1.588 million towards the £61.6m million needed to pay for the care for some of our oldest residents next year and will cost the average household 43p per week.”

The council’s budget proposals also set out a range of investments that the council propose to make the borough cleaner, greener, safer and more enjoyable.

Residents are being asked for their views on the budget proposals as part of a four week consultation which run from 6 January to 5 February 2023.


21 thoughts on “Council propose no Council Tax rise for residents.

  • It’s a good job all the people living in all the millions of new builds aren’t paying council tax. Hang on, wait……

  • Joke because I didn’t become disabled this year I get no help. Like really. So I’m in apteded flat as I’m in a wheelchair but not disabled at all k

  • Another piece of misleading click-bait PR and self promotion from shifty Shaun Davies. Everyone’s bills are still going to increase.

  • there only freezing it as we pay a lot more than other places in the country and it’s about time every resident got a itemised lay out to where every penny goes after all we’re paying for it it’s like the hardship fund I’ve yet to see anyone get anything from it so where is that money going you make out it’s for those in need but it’s so hard for many and degrading it makes people feel like begging alot of other places did away with the claiming side
    Of it and just sent money straight to those in need to there bank accounts making it a-lot easier especially for those who do not have internet access or unable to get around the form so hope they tell the truth to the public where that money is really going to and end up we don’t really need any more stupid statues that don’t represent Telford and idiotic things on roundabouts so much money gets wasted when there’s people living in poverty and on the streets

  • Can #Telfordandwrekin stop passing customers debts to Baliff companies. They do know there is a cost of living crisis so instead of putting people in more debt with these robbing crooks deal with it themselves!

  • The general public know exactly what Shaun Davies is all about …… this is simply a bribe to the public in his campaign to become MP…… simply further evidence of his corruption

  • Buying votes to become MP Mr Davies? No such thing as a free ride so I’m sure it will come back to bite us

  • Nice to see our Labour candidate taking the glory of funds from a Conservative Government. Not like him to capitalise!

  • misleading statement the other elements of the council tax bill will still see a huge increase.

  • “The government’s 2% Adult Social Care precept”? The government doesn’t require the council to impose a social care precept or to put it up, the council have chosen to do that themselves. Why do they keep on lying about freezing council tax and then lying about the council tax increase being down to the government?

  • Well that’s very good off them they will soon get the money back with all the new houses. Going up in. Telford


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