Telford News

Anti Social Behaviour or harmless fun?

Telford Police ask the question following the appeal for information to find those people riding off-road bikes illegally in Telford.

If you can identify ant of these people

The rider in picture A was spotted in Bridgnorth Road, Madeley with no helmet and an unroadworthy bike.

Pic A: Madeley

The group in picture B & C were spotted around Ketley in Telford.

Pic C: Ketley
Pic B: Ketley

As part of Operation Spree, officers will be informing landlords of incidents where tenants, their family and visitors have caused anti-social behaviour.

Riding an off-road bike causes alarm, distress or annoyance and could constitute a breach of tenancy. All landlords can take action against tenants causing anti-social behaviour.

If after relevant intervention the behaviour doesn’t cease, landlords have the power to evict tenants behaving anti-socially.

Operation Spree is dedicated to tackling the issues of off-road bikes in Telford.

If you know anyone that is riding off road bikes or where they ride and store the bikes please email

Pics: West Mercia Police

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