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Cllr Shaun Davies steps aside after 13 years in role

Great Dawley Town Council have announced a change in leadership with a new Mayor & Chair.

At last nights Annual Council Meeting, Great Dawley Town Councillors elected their new Chair and Deputy Chair to the Council for the 2024/25 Term.

Cllr Raj Mehta (Lab) for Malinslee Ward was unanimously elected as Chair of Great Dawley Town Council for the 2024 /25 Term. He will be supported by Cllr Barry Parnaby (Lab) for Malinslee Ward as Deputy Chair. Cllr Ben Carter (Lab) for Trinity Ward was unanimously elected as Mayor.

Councillor Raj Mehta, Chair of Great Dawley Town Council said, “I’m delighted to have been elected as Chair of Great Dawley Town Council for the 2024/25 Term. I would like to pay tribute to the outgoing Chair, Cllr Shaun Davies for his hard work and commitment to the local area during his tenure.”

“I look forward to the opportunity of working with the local businesses, residents and diverse community of Great Dawley, as well as the kind and generous people of the local area, during my term.”

The Council also took the time to pay tribute the outgoing Chair, Cllr Shaun Davies who has been in the role for the past 13 years; thanking him for his dedication and commitment to the community for not just the past 13 years as chair, but also for the past 17 years as a Councillor for Malinslee ward at Great Dawley Town Council.

Cllr Shaun Davies will continue to serve as a councillor for Great Dawley Town Council.

Pic: Cllr Shaun Davies – GDTC

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