Telford People


Your invite to enjoy cocktails with Telfords finest is here. Join us at Carriages in Wellington, Telfords unique boutique cocktail bar, on Friday June 28th, at 7:30pm. It’s an over 21s venue only, and this new venue is sure to blow you away if you haven’t been before. The venue is promoted by Dale Lloyd and he’s kindly agreed to lay on a few nibbles for us, so I need to keep tabs on numbers. Cocktail promotions like 2 for £8 run regularly here and they also sell coffee, beer and wines too. No MD 20/20 though. Can’t have everything.

You don’t have to be on twitter to join us, just leave your name in the comments below, and your email address (which won’t be published). I’ll even do some name badges if I remember to help people put faces to names if you haven’t met before.

Access to Carriages is easy from the bus station, train station (up the steps by the Station Hotel and then turn right) or park in Nailors Row Car Park. The website has more info. Telford Cocktail Bar

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