Telford News

Lucy Allan's legal crowdfunder hits target

Lucy Allan's legal crowdfunder hits target

The fundraising campaign started by Lucy Allen, who is hoping to win her third Telford election on December 12th, has hit it's goal.

From the campaign website:

"We hit our target! What happens now?

We hit our target
Thanks to a fantastic £200 donation from the Tayleur Arms pub in Longdon Upon Tern we have now hit our target! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All of you wonderful people who care about our community and care about our Princess Royal Hospital.

So what happens now?

A legal case is now being opened on behalf of Telford residents, who will be the client in the case. An expert barrister will be appointed to assess the merits of a legal challenge to Future Fit.

I will be giving the lawyers information on why a challenge should be brought. I will be asking the Council to submit the concerns they say they have about the process, to the lawyers, in order to strengthen our case. The Council has not contributed financially to this community case, but they do have many concerns about the process.

In the event the barrister takes the view there is a prospect of a successful case, then the residents will qualify for legal aid and we go to court for a Judicial Review.

What an amazing effort by our community, passionate about our hospital, passionate about the future of our town; determined to stand up for our area; determined not to be ignored; determined to keep our Princess Royal. "

One thought on “Lucy Allan's legal crowdfunder hits target

  • Well done Lucy and the people of Telford


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