Telford News

Town Park Arena Black Lives Matter Gathering

Town Park Arena Black Lives Matter Gathering

In complete contrast to what has been developing in London, a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest today in Telford was peaceful and respectful.

About 150 people gathered in the Queen Elizabeth II Arena where some from the crowd took turns to speak and share their thoughts.

Many of those who came along wore fave coverings and all were respecting social distancing.

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28 thoughts on “Town Park Arena Black Lives Matter Gathering

  • Shocking everyone’s life matters …ffs..have you all forgotten about covid…

  • Why do we need daily protests which is putting people at risk with covid 19 how long do we need this to be happening

  • Did you know social gatherings of over 6 people are deemed as illegal during this global pandemic. Also there was no social distancing. Stay in save life’s.

  • Everyone just get one with each other. We’re all human at the end of the day life is too short fighting over races and colour

  • The most important thing is that there will not be another upsurge in the virus. After being in lock down for three months why should we all be at risk of another upsurge. All lives matter. I can’t believe these selfish people have put us all at risk of an upserge of this terrrible virus.

  • All these people saying have you forgotten about covid are probably the same people who cued for hours to get into primark

  • Well done to all those who went to the BLM demonstration in Telford, especially the young people who organised it.
    Sadly we do not live in a fair and equal society and change to ensure racism is challenged and eradicated is long overdue.
    #BlackLivesMatter ❤️

  • Where was they when the grooming gangs were rife?? Oh yeh sorry wrong type of “victim”

  • Social distancing gone out the window then selfish pricks vulnerable people still can’t go out your not making it any Easier

  • They should not be protesting now, however peaceful!
    There’s laws in place that states no groups over 6 people – they are putting everyone’s health at risk!
    and before anyone jumps on this! No they are no better than the hundreds that queued to go shopping today!
    I Can’t understanding why people can’t grasp the simple fact that we are still in a pandemic and the virus hasn’t gone anywhere!

  • Nobodies lives obviously matter what with the lack of social distancing going on and complete disregard for the fact there’s still a global pandemic happening, don’t be surprised in coming weeks the rate of infection spike again, don’t see how gathering in a park in large numbers is going to solve racism anyway if you are a racist you won’t listen regardless


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