Telford News

Former Industrial estate for sale with full planning consent for 48 dwellings.

Former Industrial estate for sale with full planning consent for 48 dwellings.

Sanderson Weatherall have been instructed to bring to the market, a former industrial estate, which has been granted full planning consent for 48 dwellings.

The property comprises the former Doseley Industrial Estate on Frame Lane in Telford. Demolition works are at an advanced stage and the property will provide an oven ready, residential development opportunity comprising 48 dwellings of which 12 will be designated as affordable. The proposed units are to be a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached houses, arranged over two or three storeys.

There is to be a mix of two bedroom houses (3), three bedroom houses (18), four bedroom houses (10), five bedroom houses (10) and six bedroom houses (six).

The projected gross development value (GDV) is expected to be in excess of £20 million.

Tim Simmons commented ‘this is a fantastic opportunity for a residential developer to acquire a site ready for immediate development. The approved planning consent is for a high-quality bespoke scheme, which is well laid out with appealing house types across the scheme. Interested parties should make early contact with us to register interest and request further detailed information’.

21 thoughts on “Former Industrial estate for sale with full planning consent for 48 dwellings.

  • A taxi driver told me he saw an advert houses for big families. He applied and was told he did not have the right kind of big family. I would view that with suspicion.

  • Build more affordable small hiuses not 5 and 6 bedrooms only tje wealthy can afford but dont need

  • You would think Planning meant the LA having a plan for T&W, based on population, growth, age ranges of the population etc which would include infrastructure etc. Rather it seems we have Developer led Planning, with the process just agreeing what the Developers want. It’s so haphazard, and community is barely in it all. Developers are driven by profit, so what we get on the ground is maybe much different to what we need! Another “oven ready development”, sod the rest! Sod the locals !!

  • So hundreds more people moving to the area. Which doctors and schools will they register too? All local ones are already very over subscribed. Or are you building a new doctors to come with the new residents?

  • Build a bloody much needed hospital on it something what people are desperate for

  • Still no consideration for the traffic of Frame Lane & St Lukes.
    The roads here aren’t designed to safely manage all the cars we already have.
    Narrow in width, bends & all the parked cars.
    Building by The Cheese and another larger site opposite.
    We have no facilities, no GP, or school spaces
    Its a hamlet … not even a Village.
    Facilities for the community we already have would be welcomed

  • How about turn back into Greenland instead of putting up these over priced rubbish houses

  • Can’t wait for all the extra traffic. The narrow roads are already struggling but throw in a few more houses with no provision, be alright.

  • Only 3 houses that are 2 bedroom? Small families aren’t really thaught of it seems :/

  • Where is the f*cking infastructure to support all this????
    As if our doctors and schools arent already overloaded….


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