FeatureTelford News

Goodbye Red Bridge

If you haven’t walked over this bridge at some stage, are you even from Telford?

The Station Quarter development is gathering pace and work to remove the footbridge and install improved pedestrian facilities linking Station Quarter to the Town Centre is set to start on 3 June as part of the development.

The 48 metre-long ageing footbridge, which has been in place since the mid 1980s, will be completely dismantled and removed as part of this initial first phase.

Work will be part of a series of extensive highway improvements associated with the Station Quarter development with this first phase delivered under an initial temporary road closure of Lawn Central from 3 June.

Access to all car parks will be unaffected for the duration of the works and both vehicle and pedestrian/cyclist diversions will be in place.

The bridge removal is the first stage in improving connectivity between Telford train station and Telford Shopping Centre on Ironmasters Way, through to the Lawn Central junction, benefitting Telford and Wrekin residents and visitors.

Once the bridge has been removed, the scheme will proceed to the installation of new pedestrian facilities including a feature ramp and steps covering the sloped area between Lawn Central and the town centre which will improve accessibility to the Telford Centre.

Pic: Telford & Wrekin

3 thoughts on “Goodbye Red Bridge

  • Why the hell has it been taken down there was nothing wrong with it
    Im.a person who has mobility issues and having to walk round whist they do work on it its crazy
    They should of done the work 1st then dismantled the bridge afterwards
    Plus that bridge was used by people every day
    I feel sorry for the elderly and people like me who have a DISABILITY
    I hope to have a response from you

  • How can the removal of a footbridge be “improving connectivity between Telford train station and Telford Shopping Centre”? Pedestrians will now have to navigate a pelican crossing I’m guessing to get across Lawn Central. That is no way “better connectivity”!

  • If the bridge had reached the end of its life it should have been replaced there was a reason why ut was there in the first place! Somehow Darby’s bridge at Ironbridge is still standing though even though it is much much older! Another failure by the T&W Council.


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