Telford News

Parking Boost for Wellington

Parking in Market Street, Wellington has just become easier following a surprise move by owners, Wilkinsons.

Back in October, cameras were switched on at a popular private car park in Market Street, Wellington following a lengthy period when the times were unenforced, many shoppers and visitors to the town have been caught out and issued with penalty notices for overstaying.  This is particularly a problem with out of hours visitors calling at Wellington’s many restaurants and pubs in the centre of the town.

In a new development, the charges have been lifted from 6pm in the evenings, allowing diners to enjoy their evenings safe in the knowledge that they will not be receiving a car parking penalty.  Sag Khan, who runs Spiceland on Market Street in Wellington praised the actions of Wilkinsons and in particular the work of the manager, Mark Link in getting the change pushed through, ‘The store manger has been a great help and his understanding of the local towns economy, showing good community spirit for other businesses. We at Spiceland appreciate and applaud Wilkos  for this gesture.”

The car park sign on the entrance to the site has already been updated to show parking is free between 6pm and 5am, with no restriction on the time cars can remain parked.


2 thoughts on “Parking Boost for Wellington

  • Well done, it will be received well by the local users, and it makes sense.


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